A&W Wetaskiwin
Good food makes good food, but there’s more to our story than that. From using compostable packaging to fundraising to support Canadians living with Multiple Sclerosis, we strive to make a positive impact in our community.

The Business Resilience Plan aimed to elevate awareness of A&W’s current features and specials, strategically placed to drive local foot traffic. Simultaneously, the Social Media component focused on informing the public about A&W’s extensive community involvement, emphasizing various supported programs and charities. Collectively, these objectives sought to enhance A&W Wetaskiwin’s brand visibility, engage the community, and communicate the brand’s commitment to both customer satisfaction and meaningful community impact. The campaign aimed to create a cohesive narrative that resonated with both existing and potential customers.
“The social media tactics allows us to be able to communicate specials and community involvement to the people of Wetaskiwin.”

Campaign Tactics Deployed
The campaign employed a strategic mix of print, social, and digital tactics to effectively convey A&W Wetaskiwin’s current features, community involvement, and charitable initiatives. Through targeted Print (ROP) advertising, the campaign aimed to increase foot traffic by promoting specials. Social media engagement focused on informing the public about A&W’s impactful community programs and charities. Digital advertising complemented the ROP efforts, extending the reach of A&W’s messaging to a broader online audience.
• Newspaper Print Advertising
• Social Media Advertising
• Digital Display Ads (HTML5)

Campaign Results & Success
A&W Wetaskiwin reported a notable increase in foot traffic, particularly for the advertised specials. The community’s response demonstrated heightened awareness of A&W’s initiatives and a positive reception to their engagement in various charitable causes. The campaign successfully achieved its goals of promoting A&W’s offerings, fostering community awareness, and driving participation in community programs and charitable activities.